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The Research on the Formation Mechanism of Carbon Deposition Based on Remanufacture Cleaning-Remanufacturing-2016-Xiujie Jia

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-12-15 点击量:

The Research on the Formation Mechanism of Carbon Deposition Based on Remanufacture Cleaning

Mingbin Yang ,  Xiujie Jia ,  Xing Wang ,  Jian Zhang ,  Jianyong Li ,  Shuaishuai Yao

期刊:Applied Mechanics and Materials

摘要:In the process of remanufacturing cleaning, the carbon deposition was difficult to remove, this paper wants to provide the basic theory about the carbon removal. In this paper, the chemical composition and the microstructure of carbon deposition were analyzed, so as to get the microscopic structure of carbon deposition. Analyzing the formation reaction, adhesion process and the contribution of different electrostatic forces to the formation of carbon deposition. At last, explaining the reasons of the formation of carbon deposition.


关键词:Remanufacturing; Carbon deposition; Adhesion mechanism;  Electrostatic force;

下载地址:The Research on the Formation Mechanism of Carbon Deposition Based on Remanufacture Cleaning


教育部直属高校 国家“985”工程 “211”工程 “双一流”重点建设本科大学

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