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The Research on Remanufacturing Cleaning Machenism-Remanufacturing-2015-Xiujie Jia

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-12-15 点击量:

The Research on Remanufacturing Cleaning Machenism

Wang Xing *, Jia Xiu Jie, Yao Shuai Shuai

期刊:Applied Mechanics and Mtaterials

AbstractRemanufactured parts need to be cleaned before testing and repairing.Molten salt cleaning become a new research focus in remanufacturing cleaning. This paper analyze and research the dirt removal mechanism. This paper analyzes the effect of different salt bath cleaning time and temperature, from the action of heat, comprising a plurality of aspects of surface tension, expansion coefficient and chemical analysis of the role removal mechanism. cleaning effect is researched controlling different conditions in experiments according to the removal mechanism. Experimental results show that the cleaning effect is more obvious, cleaning a relatively short time, ready to meet the requirements of remanufacturing blanks.

KeywordsCleaning, Remanufacturing, Removal Machanism, Salt Bath


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