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Simulation of Ultrasonic Cleaning and Experimental Study of the Liquid Level Adjusting Method-2013-Fangyi Li

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-12-15 点击量:

Simulation of Ultrasonic Cleaning and Experimental Study of the Liquid Level Adjusting Method

Fangyi Li, Shunxin Ge, Shunshun Qin, and Qingdong Hao

 School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University


In this paper the three-dimensional models of ultrasonic cleaning were established in COMSOL Multiphysics and corresponding cleaning effect under different frequencies and liquid levels were simulated. Then the frequencies suitable for remanufactured components were studied and the cleaning effect under different liquid levels were tested by experiment. The experimental results were processed by Matlab and contrasted with simulation results. It shows that the disadvantages caused by the standing wave can be eliminated by adjusting the liquid level.


Ultrasonic Cleaning; Sound Field Simulation; Liquid Level Adjusting Method

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