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Effect of zirconia surface treatment on zirconia/veneer interfacial toughness evaluated by fracture mechanics method

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-12-14 点击量:

Effect of zirconia surface treatment on zirconia/veneer interfacial toughness evaluated by fracture mechanics method

Wang, GaoqiZhang, SongBian, CuirongKong, Hui



Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the airborne-particle abrasion and liner application on the interfacial toughness between veneering porcelain and zirconia core by means of a fracture mechanics test.

Methods: Beam-shaped zirconia specimens were sectioned and divided into 4 groups according to different surface treatments as follows: Group C (control): no treatment; Group L: application of liner; Group A: airborne-particle abrasion with Al2O3 (sandblasting); and Group AL: airborne-particle abrasion and application of liner. The zirconia surfaces before and after sandblasting were observed and analyzed by SEM and white light interferometer. Specimens of each pretreated group were veneered with 3 core/veneer thickness ratios of 2:3, 1:1, and 3:2, corresponding to 3 phase angles respectively. Fracture mechanics test was performed on each specimen, the energy release rate G and phase angle psi were calculated to characterize interfacial toughness. The experimental data were analyzed statistically using three-way ANOVA and the Tukey's HSD test. The surfaces of fractured specimens were examined by SEM and EDX.

Results: At each phase angle, the interfaces with no treatment had higher mean G values than that of other groups. All the specimens showed mixed failure mode with residual veneer or liner on the zirconia surfaces.

Conclusions: The toughness of zirconia/veneer interface with no treatment is significantly higher than that of interfaces subjected to liner application and airborne-particle abrasion.

Clinical significance: Liner application and airborne-particle abrasion seem to reduce zirconia/veneer interfacial toughness. Therefore, the two surface treatment methods should be applied with caution. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Bilayer; Airborne-particle abrasion; Liner; Interfacial toughness

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