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Analytical asperity interaction model and numerical model of multi-asperity contact for power hardening materials

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-12-14 点击量:

Analytical asperity interaction model and numerical model of multi-asperity contact for power hardening materials

Zhao, BinZhang, SongQiu, Zheng



In the present work, an analytical interaction model of multi-asperity contact for the power-law hardening materials is proposed. The real surface topography including the asperity locations, heights and radii of summit is considered. Meantime, a numerical model is built based on the finite element method, to study the contact of a rigid flat and a deformable rough surface which is simplified and reconstructed with the measured original surface using the wavelet transform. The analytical results are close to the numerical results. Finally, the effect of the power-law hardening material properties on the asperity interaction is studied. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Power hardening material; Asperity interaction; Real topography; Wavelet transform

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